Nicolas Leyh - PhD Candidate (since 03/23)
Research Area:
How can AI improve company-internal productivity and foster work quality for effective decision-making by changing processes and ways of working within large-scale and transnational organizations.
Who are you?
After my bachelor’s degree in International Business in cooperation with Airbus, I decided to pursue my M.Sc. in Technology Management at Columbia University in the City of New York. During that time, I also spent eight months at the UN Secretariat within the Department of Management Strategy, Policy, and Compliance, which further fostered my interest in technology and business. Currently, I am a Business Operations Manager at Airbus Cyber, and External PhD candidate at the TUM CSO.
Professional Background:
Airbus (Munich), UN Secretariat (New York), DMG Mori (Munich), BoxOrganizer (Munich)
Educational Background:
Columbia University; University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB); Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Ravensburg
Hobbies: Soccer, Skiing, Traveling, Endurance Sports, Golf, Bouldern
Email: nicolas(dot)leyh(at)tum(dot)de